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Magic Pages

MagicPages is a fully managed Ghost CMS Hosting with generous limits.

  • Unlimited Members
  • 10,000 emails/month
  • Unlimited Staff Members
  • Upto 1024mb File Uploads
  • Worldwide Bunny CDN
  • 99.9% Uptime SLA
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Sub-directory Install

Starts at just $4/month
Includes 14-day FREE trial

Overview 📝

Introducing Avant, a unique material design Ghost theme developed by GBJsolution. Avant offers a clean, modern aesthetic, perfect for bloggers and magazines seeking a responsive and content-focused platform.

Features 🌟

  • Material Design: Embraces Google's material design principles for a sleek and intuitive user experience.
  • Responsive Layout: Ensures your site looks stunning on devices of all sizes, from desktops to smartphones.
  • Membership Support: Fully compatible with Ghost's membership and subscription features, enabling you to build a community around your content.
  • Multi-Author Ready: Easily set up a multi-user blog or journal without extra effort, supporting Ghost’s author cover, tag image, and tag description functionalities.
  • Customizable Widgets: Includes a widgetized footer with Mailchimp subscription, recent posts, tag cloud, and text widgets. Reordering or adding/removing widgets is straightforward.
  • Featured Media: Simplifies featuring images, audio, or video in your posts, supporting responsive embeds from platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, and Mixcloud.
  • Navigation Options: Offers both normal and fixed navigation bar settings to suit your preference.
  • Translation Ready: Easily translate the theme into any language to reach a broader audience.
  • Disqus Comments: Integrates seamlessly with Disqus for interactive comment sections.
  • Code Highlighting: Features nice code highlighting for developers and technical writers.

Use Case 🎯

Avant is ideal for magazines, personal blogs, and multi-author platforms aiming for a modern, responsive, and content-focused design.

Performance 🚀

While specific performance metrics aren't provided, Avant's clean code and responsive design are optimized for fast loading times and a smooth user experience.

Compatibility 🔄

Avant is compatible with Ghost version 5.0 and up, ensuring seamless integration with the latest features and updates. 

Theme Setup 🛠️

Setting up Avant is straightforward:

  1. Installation: Extract the main downloaded zip file to find the production-ready theme folder. After the required setup, zip this folder's content and upload it to your Ghost site.
  2. Configuration: Open the config.hbs file located in the partials folder to configure theme options such as Disqus shortname, fixed navbar, dark color scheme, and API key for search functionality.
  3. Social Links: Add your social profile links by editing the widget-social.hbs file in the partials folder, replacing the # in each href with your own profile links.
  4. Widgets: Customize footer widgets by editing the respective widget files in the partials folder, such as widget-subscribe.hbs for Mailchimp subscription.
  5. Translation: Translate the theme by editing the locales folder and updating the default.hbs file to include the desired language.

Conclusion 🎉

Avant by GBJsolution combines material design aesthetics with robust functionality, making it an excellent choice for those looking to create a modern and engaging online presence.


We recommend the official, fully-managed, Ghost(Pro) Hosting!

  • 0% Transaction fees
  • Custom domain
  • Fully managed service
  • Automatic weekly updates
  • Worldwide CDN
  • Enterprise-grade security
  • Threat & uptime management
  • Migration from current CMS

Starts at just $9/month
Includes 14-day FREE trial
GBJ Solution
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